How much was ego costing your company?
With changing market conditions a sense of fear can typically creep into our workplace environments which naturally can be detrimental to the culture we are breeding.
So exactly what were we doing to prevent this? Did we really need to be placing greater emphasis on culture when as business owners we were busy trying to adapt to a fragile market?
The answer we believe is yes! And the reasons why we have listed below:
- When ‘fear’ is instilled in any environment, it typically creates a toxic environment. One in which every man or women is in it for themselves! Rather than working together, we often find it becomes the exact opposite! The result of this means less productivity and more competitiveness. One could argue competitive spirit is healthy, and often in a sales culture, it does have relevance. However, in an environment where your staff are busy trying to prove themselves right and their counterparts ‘wrong’, this toxic, egotistical tone does more damage to your business than it does good.
- When people are feeling threatened, it’s very easy to slip into a dog eat dog nature. In turn, the focus is shifted from solutions, and more into “saving their own a##es.” One could state that installing ‘fear’ is how large corporations control the masses. However, the careers built from this foundation are never long lived! Once an individual begins to turn on his peers, to try and protect her or his own job, the less focus remains on finding ‘solutions.’
- If your staff are running their own race are you giving them the freedom to grow, to expand and to be the best version of themselves possible?
Processes and systems are an absolute necessity in any successful business, but are you equally giving your staff an opportunity to contribute, to be heard?
Subliminally, it’s important to remember we all carry the 3 messages:
- “Do you hear me?”
- “Do you see me?”
- “Do you acknowledge me?”
How exactly are you engaging your staff with the greater vision you are seeking to fulfil?
Image: LOVE installation by Alexandr Milov, Burning Man 2015. This sculpture depicts the conflict between the physical bodies of man and woman while their inner children reach out to touch.